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Iconic Asian Pop Pianist – V.K
V.K is an iconic Asian pop pianist and composer from Taiwan. He has been reputed by fans around the world to be the “Jay Chou of Pop Piano” for his virtuosic technique and amazing composing talent.
V.K never confines his music to a specific style or genre. He makes music not only for his own albums but also various video games, advertisements, drama series, and films. Over the years, he has made some of the greatest hit songs and become one of the most popular crossover artists in Taiwan.
His representative works as a music producer include the ending song, “Palming Love” (手掌心), of the TV series “Prince of Lan Ling” (蘭陵王), sung by Della Ding, which has exceeded 100 million views on YouTube. He has also cooperated with many well-known singers such as Award-winning singer like Jam Hsiao, Calvin Hu (胡夏), Kuo Shu-Yao (郭書瑤) and Kimberley Chen (陳芳語). As a music director, he has worked for TV series “Divorce Lawyer” (離婚律師)“Ice Fantasy” (幻城), “Summer’s Desire” (泡沫之夏) and 2022 newest “Legally Romance” (才不要和老闆談戀愛). He was nominated for the 28 Golden Melody Award for “Ice Fantasy” OST which set an important milestone in his career.
Mobile game music include “Miracle Nikki” (奇迹暖暖), Mr. Love: Queen’s Choice (戀與製作人). The game has been downloaded over 7 million times, and its music has been highly acclaimed by fans across the globe.
His solo album has been well received internationally, and many well-known songs such as “Reflection”, “Wings of Piano”, “Evolution Era” and so on have topped music charts at home and abroad. Since his debut, he has released 6 solo albums and 8 piano sheet collections, all of which have been sales hit for many years, and have been selected as one of the top 100 products every year.
In September of 2020, V.K released album “Endless Falling Lights : Supernova”, in which two of the songs were co-written with Japanese musician NAOTO, majiko, and Ueda Marie. This was V.K’s first step into the J-pop music scene. In December, he released “Be With You (Original Web Series Soundtrack)” (好想和你在一起), in which he composed four songs and 21 soundtracks, collaborating with many team members to make different styles of music.
In 2021, in order to encourage beginners to play more pieces made by Taiwanese composers, V.K published his elementary level sheet music book “V.K Elementary Piano Collection Vol. 1”.
V.K has also established “Wings Of Piano International Music Competition” in 2012. Throughout the years, many participants of the competition have started work in the music industry and been doing great.
V.K’s music is innovative and inspiring, by creating his iconic and virtuosic “V.K piano rap style”, he redefined how piano can be played. He has a unique musical style that moves the audience and touches their heart without language. Gaining hearts and minds of fans around the world with his incredible musical talent. His music will definitely continue to shine across the globe.
Visit V.K’s Official Website https://www.vk-style.com/
Follow V.K on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/VKstyle
Subscribe to V.K’s YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/VKstation
Follow V.K on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/VKstylemusic
Follow V.K on Twitter https://twitter.com/VKstylemusic
近年擔任音樂製作人的代表作品包括由丁噹演唱,YouTube破億點擊的電視劇[蘭陵王]片尾曲《手掌心》,也陸續與蕭敬騰,胡夏,郭書瑤、陳芳語等諸多知名歌手合作。並為[離婚律師]、[幻城]及新[泡沫之夏] 等多部電視劇打造全劇配樂,創新了電視劇配樂風格。更憑借[幻城]電視劇原聲帶入圍第28屆金曲獎,立下生涯重要的里程碑。
個人鋼琴演奏專輯在國際間大受好評,眾多知名歌曲如:『鏡夜』、『琴之翼』、『Evolution Era』等曾榮登海內外演奏音樂排行榜冠軍。
2020於日本發行第二張專輯《Endless Falling Lights : Supernova》,並與日本音樂人NAOTO、majiko、植田真梨恵共同創作日文歌曲,正式跨入日本流行音樂圈。
讓愛音樂流行鋼琴的朋友們有可以展現的舞台,V.K克於2012年起創辦 <琴之翼V.K克國際音樂大賽>,許多參賽者長大後也在流行音樂產業中表現優異。
V.K克的音樂很難用一種風格定義,卻充滿了大量的幻想因子。 除了略為惆悵的鋼琴獨奏曲,也擅長用單一樂器拉動旋律線,或與弦樂器進行精彩的對話,鉤勒內在的情緒;更擅長用交響樂編制構築如海與風一樣寬廣的無限邊際,創建極具特色的音樂世界觀。 自創的狂傲炫技「克式鋼琴Rap」以進擊的旋律貫穿整曲的律動,深受青少年朋友喜愛,也重新定義了鋼琴的玩法。豐富饒趣的多變曲風深具魅力,無須言語就能牽動聽眾的情緒,用音樂觸動心靈深處。
V.K克 官方網站 https://www.vk-style.com/
V.K克 Facebook https://www.facebook.com/VKstyle
V.K克 YouTube https://www.youtube.com/VKstation
FV.K克 Ig https://www.instagram.com/VKstylemusic
V.K克 Twitter https://twitter.com/VKstylemusic
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