Arturia AUDIO FUSE 錄音介面

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Arturia 新一代革命性的專業錄音介面 AUDIO FUSE 
Deep Black 璀璨黑色款

Classic Silver 經典銀色款 
Space Grey 太空灰色款
ARTURIA 台灣總代理穎凱非人為故障保固一年

Line/Instrument Inputs

• Line input impedance: 20k ohm (symmetric), 10k ohms (asymmetric)

• Instrument input impedance: 1.1M ohms asymmetric

• Instrument maximum input level: +10dBu

• Frequency response: 20Hz to 20kHz +/-0.05dB

Line Input (Gain Switch 0dB)

• THD+N @ -10dB gain: (TBA, work in progress)

• Dynamic range @ -10dB gain, insert output level: +18dBu (127.5dB A-weighted)

• THD+N @ 10dB gain: (TBA, work in progress)

• Dynamic range @ 10dB gain, insert output level: +18dBu (115dB A-weighted)

• Maximum input level: >+24dBu

Microphone Preamps
• Input impedance: 4k ohms

• Signal-to-noise ratio (EIN): < -128dB, unweighted, (< -129dB A-weighted)

• Frequency response: 20Hz to 20kHz +/-0.05dB

• Gain range: 18dB to 72dB

• THD+N: < -103dBu A-weighted

• Dynamic range insert output level: +18dBu (113dB A-weighted)
Line Output
• Output impedance:

• Maximum output level: >+24dBu

• Dynamic range: 118dB A-weighted

• THD+N: (TBA, work in progress)

• Output impedance:

• Input impedance: 10k ohms asymmetric

• Maximum output level: +18dBu

• Nominal input level: +14dBu
2 DiscretePRO microphone preamps
2 RIAA phono preamps
4 analog inputs
2x Mic/Instrument/Line (XLR / 1/4″ TRS)
2x Phono/Line (RCA / 1/4″ TRS)
4 analog outputs (1/4″ TRS)
2 analog inserts (1/4″ TRS)
ADAT in/out
S/PDIF in/out
Word clock in/out
MIDI in/out
24-bit next-generation A-D/D-A converters at up to 192kHz sampling rate
Talkback with dedicated built-in microphone (up to 96 kHz Sample Rate)
A/B speaker switching
Direct monitoring
2 independent headphone outputs
Separate master and monitor mix channels
USB interface with PC, Mac, iOS, Android and Linux compatibility
3-port USB hub
3 models: Classic Silver, Space Grey, Deep Black
Aluminum chassis, hard leather-covered top cover
DiscretePRO® Technology

穎凱國際 Sound Sketch